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Vallaris Solanacea - Creepers & Climber

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Original price Rs. 980.00
Original price Rs. 980.00 - Original price Rs. 980.00
Original price Rs. 980.00
Current price Rs. 755.00
Rs. 755.00 - Rs. 755.00
Current price Rs. 755.00
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Vallaris solanacea  is a Evergreen, woody climber, which can growth up to about 2 - 4 m tall as a shrub. Light green, glossy, opposite leaves are elliptic or ovate with wavy leaf margin. Flowers are borne in clusters of large, white cup-shaped flowers located near the tip of branches. Flower open in the morning, but their Pandan or burnt rice-like fragrance is strongest in the evening.

Care Tips 

  • This species is easy to grow and has a moderate growth rate. Plant this species in fertile, well-drained soil.
  • Provide a sturdy pergola or trellis to train plant to climb. It flowers best under full sun, because shady conditions inhibit flowering.
  • Mulch the plants with compost to prevent the soil from drying out or the roots from overheating.
  • Feed plants with a fertilizer rich in phosphorus to promote flowering. Avoid using nitrogen rich fertilizers, because they encourage development of leaves rather than flowers.
  • Trim the branch tips after spent flowers to promote new growth and more flowering.

Sunlight - Full Sunlight (6hrs)

Water - Always Maintain the moisture in the soil. When the leaves turning dull it is indication of water requirement.

Fertilizer - Apply any organic fertilizer once in 2 month.

Repotting - Repot after 2 years if it is in the pot, prune it if it is the ground.

Location - Pot/Sunny Open Balcony/In the Garden/Compound area


1. Vallaris solanacea Plant 1 Feet Height
2. Growing Pot (Black color)  6 Inch

**above specifications are for indicative purpose only, actual dimensions may slightly vary.


  1. Remove the Packaging Materials carefully.
  2. Press the soil in the pot & add additional soil(garden mix) if necessary.
  3. Maintain moisture in the pot, Do not over water it may kill your plant, so make sure that the soil should be dry between watering.
  4. Make sure that plants get enough morning direct bright light(2-3hrs) for 10-15 days & do not go for immediate transplanting (minimum 1 month)
  5. After 1 month you can transplant it into slightly bigger pot than the present pot or you can remain in the same pot for 6-7 month.
  6. Just prune if any branch of the plant is get damaged in transits. New leaves will come definitely.