Ruttya fruticosa,Ruttya Fruticosa, Rabbit Ears, Orange Bird, Hummingbird Plant
Original price
Rs. 99.00
Original price
Rs. 99.00
Original price
Rs. 99.00
Rs. 99.00
Rs. 99.00
Current price
Rs. 99.00
- Common name:
- Ruttya Fruticosa, Rabbit Ears, Orange Bird, Hummingbird Plant
- Regional name:
- Marathi - Rutya
Category: Shrubs, Groundcovers
Family: Acanthaceae or Crossandra or Thunbergia family
- Light:
- Sun growing, Semi shade, Shade growing
- Water:
- Normal, Can tolerate less, Can tolerate more
- Primarily grown for:
- Flowers
- Flowering season:
- Year-around flowering, Flowers in flushes throughout the year
- Flower or Inflorescence color:
- Orange, Red
- Foliage color:
- Green
- Plant Height or length:
- 1 to 2 meters
- Plant Spread or Width:
- 1 to 2 meters
- Plant Form:
- Spreading, Upright or Erect
- Special Character:
- Good for making bonsai
- Good for screening
- Good for Hedges and Borders
- Good for Edges ie very small hedge or border
- Suitable for road median planting
- Grows best in humid and warm regions
- Generally available in India in quantities of:
- Over hundreds
Plant Description:
- - A not so often used landscape plant. Foliage is pretty fresh green and shining.
- Origion - South Africa.
- Named in honour of Dr. John Rutty.
- A small shrub with woody branches.
- Leaves ovate to lanceolate, 3-5 cm long, wrinkled.
- Flower - 4.5 cm long, tubular, two lipped, orange red with a black blotch at the centre, in few flowered clusters.
- A small shrub with pretty flowers in small clusters appearing almost the year round. -
Growing tips:
- - Prefers warm climate and high humidity.
- Plants grow best in slightly acidic soils with good drainage and good fertility.
- It can be grown in both sun and sami shade