Stunning Blue Moon Dendranthema Chrysanthemum Plant for Sale
Original price
Rs. 99.00
Original price
Rs. 99.00
Original price
Rs. 99.00
Rs. 99.00
Rs. 99.00
Current price
Rs. 99.00
- Common name:
- Chrysathemum Blue Moon
- Regional name:
- Marathi - Shewanti, Hindi - Guldaudi, Bengali - Chandramallika, Gujarati - Guldaudi, Kannada - Shavantiga, Malayalam - Sshevanti, Punjabi - Gendi, Tamil - Akkarakkaram, Telugu - Chamunti, Sanskrit - Sevanti
- Category:
- Flowering Pot Plants, Groundcovers, Medicinal Plants
Family: Compositae or Sunflower family
- Light:
- Sun growing, Semi shade
- Water:
- Normal
- Primarily grown for:
- Flowers
- Flowering season:
- January, February, August, September, October, November, December
- Flower or Inflorescence color:
- Lilac or mauve
- Foliage color:
- Green
- Plant Height or length:
- Less than 50 cms
- Plant Spread or Width:
- Less than 50 cms
- Plant Form:
- Spreading
- Special Character:
- Fragrant flowers or leaves
- Good for Cut flowers
- Good for Edges ie very small hedge or border
- Attracts butterflies
- Attracts bees
- Generally available in India in quantities of:
- Over hundreds
Plant Description:
- - First and most important. Botanically chrysanthemum is now Dendranthema. Through the old name is widely used in common parlance.
- This variety reaches 40 to 50 cms high. Is day length neutral and light pink to lilac in color.
- The flowers are big and this makes it slightly floppy.
- Indians are quite familiar with chrysanthemums flowers and plants. It has been one of the traditional flowers used in everyday life.
- The plant is an erect growing herb.
- It is a perennial, aromatic plant.
- The leaves are sharply toothed and slightly hairy.
- The flowers are or assorted colors and borne on top of the foliage.
- Very popular as a bedding as well as a pot plants. It is an important flower crop for farmers.
- All old varieties are day length sensitive - i.e. they flower only when the day becomes short and the nights long. (that is in winter). The newer varieties like this one is day length neutral and flowers more than once a year. Given the right care it can flower 3 to 4 times a year. Each bloom lasting for 6 to 8 weeks.
- The medical uses or chrysanthemum are as below
- Used for hypertension.
- Used for abdominal pains.
- Used to expel gases, flatulence, and gripping pains from stomach and bowel.
- Parts used - the whole plant -
Growing tips:
- - You will most probably buy chrysanthemum plants is bud or bloom stage.
- They can be planted out in the garden or kept indoors for decoration use.
- Water them normally. Let them dry out between waterings. Never put water on the flowers. They will not last long.
- Once the bloom is over cut the flowering shoots to 5 cms above the ground level. In case the plant was kept indoors move it out to a sunny location.
- Around 4 to 6 weeks later new shoots or suckers will come out from the stem stub and the ground.
- Start fertilizing and taking good care of this plant.
- Watch out for pests mentioned below.
- Plants will grow and bloom again in 2 to 4 months.
- This can be repeated till the plants fill up the pot completely.
- After this happens - the suckers can be seperated out and planted in individual pots.
- Getting the chrysanthum plant to flowering back like what it was requires patiens and work. It is often more easier (and cheaper) to just buy a new one!