Variegated Periwinkle (Vinca minor variegated) - Add Color to Your Garden with this Beautiful and Low Maintenance Plant
Original price
Rs. 99.00
Original price
Rs. 99.00
Original price
Rs. 99.00
Rs. 99.00
Rs. 99.00
Current price
Rs. 99.00
- Common name:
- Periwinkle Variegated, Lesser Periwinkle Variegated
- Category:
- Groundcovers, Shrubs, Climbers, Creepers & Vines
- Family:
- Apocynaceae or Plumeria or Oleander family
- Light:
- Sun growing, Semi shade
- Water:
- Normal, Can tolerate more
- Primarily grown for:
- Flowers, Foliage
- Flowering season:
- Year-around flowering, Flowers in flushes throughout the year
- Flower or Inflorescence color:
- Purple, Blue
- Foliage color:
- Variegated, Green, Cream or off white, White
- Plant Height or length:
- 1 to 2 meters
- Plant Spread or Width:
- 1 to 2 meters
- Plant Form:
- Low spreading, Spreading
- Special Character:
- Auspicious or Feng Shui plant
- Good for Hedges and Borders
- Can grow on trellis or chain link fencing
- Suitable for road median planting
- Hanging or weeping growth habit
- Grows best in cooler regions
- Generally available in India in quantities of:
- Over hundreds
- Plant Description:
- - Trailing evergreen subshrub with variegated ovate leaves, flowers bluish purple with white throat, 2 cm diameter.
- Semi creeping stems. The plants often form a thick mat.
- Glossy, dark green, oval to oblong leaves, 2 inches long, grow in pairs on short leaf stalks.
- The single blue to violet or, rarely, white flowers rise from the leaf axils and produce two small slender seedpods.
- Like many herbs, periwinkle once had ties with magic and superstition. Supposedly the herb could ward off evil spirits, and in some places lesser periwinkle was held that no witch would dare enter a home where it hung at the entrance. In France the flower of lesser periwinkle is sometimes referred to as violette des sorciers, or "violet of the sorcerers." - Growing tips:
- - A plant that grows best in cool climates.
- Ideal ground cover or a plant to hang down from raised beds.
- Requires good drainage.
- Will grow in moderately fertile soils.